The Last Flight of the New Yorker Part One

by John Desranleau

Introduction The Last Flight of the New Yorker (or The Newarker)

Gasoline: The cologne that transforms a young man into Manhood.

his is a true short story that encapsulates the life of three boys living in the Westward section of Newark New Jersey before the eclipses of the summer July 67.

It’s about a boy first car and the adventures that it goes through in its short life – ending on the eve prior to the night that forever changed Newark.

The story is written to bring you back to the spring of 1967, it tells of the Music, the culture and it is a snapshot of what it was like living in the West Ward of Newark after the main white flight migration had taken its toll.

There are no ill feelings, just 3 boys experiencing and doing the best to enjoy the excitement and experience of a first car.

The Story will be told in chapters so it will be added to this site as they are completed. Sort of like a mini Movie on TV.

It’s a story of a Father and son going to buy a Car and a younger brother and his friend that get wrapped up in it.

Be there for the first race – Feel the excitement and thrill of a ride in Jacques Super Car.

So reserve yourself a place in the back seat and hang on for an exciting ride.

Main Characters

My father, A quiet conservative religious man doing the best he can raising 11 children in a changing city.

Jacques my older brother who is buying his first car and has lots of dream on what he wants to do with it.

He is a culmination of 4 personalities:

One Part Marlon Brando from The Wild One --- “Defiance”
One Part Charles Bronson ------------------------“Tough"
One Part Lee Marvin again from the Movie the Wild One ----- “Crazy”
One Part Elvis Presley ---------------------------- “Pure Raw Energy”
Put them all together and you have “Jack!” The name that everyone in Newark called him

Me: Jean / John his younger brother by 2 years
Alias: Granny – Scared of High speed racing on city streets
I was Jacks conscience, trying my best to steer him straight and keep him out of trouble.

James Connelly = Best Friend – is like a member of our Family
Alias: Skinny Irishman who went alone for the ride of a life time.

And the 1958 Chrysler New Yorker that is going to be rebuilt and glorified for its final end.

My time in Newark has been Quilted, Stitched and Blistered into my Psyche forever changing me as a person.

Please send any comment to I will then place them all on this site after the whole story has been told.

I hope you like this true story – I had fun reliving it as I was writing it.

God Bless All the Good People of Newark – Peace

A Special gratitude of Thanks to Glenn for providing us with this wonderful Site

This story is dedicated to my brother Jacques who, with out him, I would have missed a life time of adventures.

I just wish you also had a wonderful brother like him.


The Last Flight of the New Yorker Part Two

John Desranlesu is a Car Show Photographer. You can view his work at:


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